Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Other Side of Popular

(There are thousands of disciples of Christ who can relate to the following blog. The last place we expect to be hurt is within the four walls of the church.  If this blog describes you, it is time to come out of the shadows and live fully for Jesus--He is madly in love with you!  There are several books regarding this subject matter that I would recommend: Wounded by God’s People by Anne Graham Lotz, Toxic Faith by Arteburn & Felton, and The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by Johnson & Van Vonderen)

There are things in life some of us aspire to that are not things at all.  Although not your typical open conversation, being popular may be something that you deem important.  I will confess that at one time, so did I.

Being popular puts one’s beliefs about him or herself in a place of hierarchy based on what those in the popular group have determined acceptable.  I do not speak as one unlearned on the topic of popularity. 

Almost before we learn to walk, we are subconsciously aware that there are two types of people in the world: popular or unpopular.  The definition of both groups is clearly understood by all, yet the white elephant in the room is seldom addressed.

I spent many years of my life tucked within what I perceived to be the safety of the popular crowd.  All was well in my world when I played by the unspoken rules of loyalty and when I respected what lines I could and could not cross in order to maintain my popular status.

However, when the Spirit within me was not in agreement with the vote of the popular crowd, when I rocked the boat, provoking the controller of the helm to anger at my inability to trust the words of a person over the words of my Maker; I was cast into the hungry waves of the ocean faster than Jonah.

Instead of death, I washed up on the shore on the other side of popular.  What felt like the punishment of betrayal became the gift of mercy from the One who walked on the other side of popular thousands of years before me. 

On the other side of popular, I lost everything that had once defined me.  Everything.  In  place of all that was lost, I was given the gifts of the Spirit-- which can be taken away by no one.  In the darkness of the Valley of Loss, salve was given to restore my sight.  Sorrow and Sadness were given to allow me to feel the grief of dying to myself so as to have the ability to feel the joy of living to please One.  My true identity was found somewhere on the ocean floor of forgotten and discarded.

My appetite for success and popularity were replaced with an appetite to know God more and to stay the course no matter the cost.  Being on the other side of popular has become my greatest accomplishment.  By the grace of my Lord and Savior, my greatest ambition to live a life that brings Him honor and glory, to love Him with an undying love, to leave a legacy of unshakeable faith for my children and my grandchildren--all this I pray to accomplish as I worship the One who will never cast me aside.

I care only about who He says I am. 

The other side of popular has brought freedom to my spirit and healing to my heart.
True to His unchanging nature; who He says I am does not change based on the opinions of those who believe themselves to be in the popular crowd.

If you are on the other side of popular, do not try to find a way of escape from the pain you are feeling.  Allow your Father to comfort you and to answer the deepest desires of your heart. 

Rest in your new identity.

The One who holds you is ever faithful to complete the great work which He began in you.  Nothing and no one can thwart the plans He has for you.

You are deeply loved.

Stay the Course...


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