Many years ago I had a pastor who told me that my passion for running was not a good thing and that I needed to stop running so that God could be my greatest passion.
So I stopped running.
At the peak of the best days of my running, when my body was still cooperating, and I had trained my mind to stay the course no matter the circumstances, I stopped.
Ironically, several years later, after our family moved away, that same pastor began to run. He convinced everyone on his staff to run as well, and they all participated in running events in the community just as I once had.
It was a confusing turn of events at the time. For years I wondered why I had believed that another person could know better than me the real intent of my heart (but that’s another blog for another day!).
This week my thoughts turned back to running. I remembered all the runs I had taken on backcountry roads by myself and the powerful moments I had experienced with God mid-run from as far back as my teenage years. Running always took me to a place of freedom from the cares of the world. As I trained myself to push beyond my natural level of comfort to a new area of dependence and vulnerability to my Maker, my soul became awakened and fully alive with each run.
Yesterday in my time of prayer, I anointed my head with oil and sought after the heart of my Maker—I needed to find my way back to the only One who knows the truth and the wiring of my mind, will, and emotions—in essence, my soul.
And then, I dusted off my running shoes, grabbed my ancient iPod and took a run.
This morning I ran longer and further than yesterday. I ran with a full heart (and a tiny pebble in my left shoe). I ran through blowing cotton, barking dogs, and down quiet gravel roads. I no longer ran at race speed, but nonetheless, I ran. I felt the gaze of my Father as He watched me finding my way back to His heart.
I realize now that sometimes the only way to find your way back to the heart of God is to look back no longer. Paul describes this concept beautifully in the Word of God, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13(b))
What is the unique gift your Father has given to you that takes you instantly into His presence? Regardless of your age, your size, your income bracket, or what anyone has told you about what you can or cannot do to honor God with your true self—I implore you to seek God in prayer and ask Him what it is you must do to find your way back to becoming a vessel that radiates His love. And then do it and don’t look back. The power of the lies you have believed will drop as fast as a lead ball in a pool of water once you determine to press onward and forward.
Our ultimate goal remains that one day, we shall stand alone, on our own two feet, face-to-face with Jesus. So don’t be afraid to find your way back to the One who will always have your back—your audience of One.
Of one thing and one thing alone, I am sure: when I leave this world and step into eternity—I will not be walking. I will be running as fast as I can toward the King of Kings and the Father of my heart.
Stay the Course…
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