Thursday, August 11, 2016

She Laughs

As a woman, one of the more intimidating chapters in the Bible for me throughout the years has been Proverbs 31: The Wife of Noble Character.

Until now.

I have made a conscious decision to change the way I respond to circumstances or situations that I am afraid of, or which I find intimidating.  Instead of running FROM such things, I am running TOWARD them.  This decision stems from my realization that fear has no hold over one whom is mastered by Love.

We each choose a master: fear or love.  When we allow fear to grip us; we run from everything.  When love is our master; we have freedom to run into the clouds and into the lightening and thunder as we face the raging storms of our lives.  

We don’t need to wait for someone to give us permission to be courageous, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” (vs. 25)  “Laugh” in this particular verse also means, "shall rejoice in time to come,” or “celebrate.”   Perhaps this type of  fearless laughter starts somewhere deep within the soul, bounces off the walls of the inner chambers, and finds its escape from the mouth via passage through the heart—confident, alive, radiant laughter.

What a beautiful depiction of our true identity as daughter’s of the King: facing the future fearless and full of laughter. Because her trust is in God, she has no fear of the future.

Instead of staying locked up in a prison of fear, or feeding our insecurities with lies woven in our heads like a masterful spider web,  we "speak with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on our tongue." (vs 26) “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” (vs. 28)

Clothe yourself with strength and dignity, Woman of God. Run as fast as possible head-first into whatever it is you have been running away from.  Don’t look back and don’t wait for circumstances to change. Choose to release fear. Choose to trust God.  Oh, and grab ahold of laughter. 

Yes, run as fast as possible toward your true self with the dignified grace of a woman clothed in fine linen and purple.

Stay the Course…


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