Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Case of The Missing Element

Over the last couple years something strange has been happening with my body.  The change was so subtle at first that it went mostly unnoticed.  Month after month  I subconsciously made small adjustments in an attempt to make my symptoms disappear.

I put my head down, dug deep, and did my best to plow through life without complaining.  After all, when the going gets tough the tough get going, right?

Recently, I made the dreaded trip to the doctor.  A few days later my doctor informed me that my mysterious symptoms were simply a case of a missing element: I was anemic, low on iron.  One iron pill twice a day.  I shook my head at the simplicity of my doctor’s diagnosis but figured I would give it a try.

In a matter of days my odd cravings dissipated, my appetite changed, my energy level soared, and my thoughts became clear.  I marveled at the changes effected by one tiny missing element. 

I had made a simple situation complex by attempting to fix the symptoms of my iron deficiency rather than dealing with the root of the problem. 

Yesterday in prayer, God brought to mind the many times I have tried to fix other symptomatic areas of my life on my own instead of going to the only True Source.  Little issues turn into bigger issues as I subconsciously tell God “I’ve got this.” 

Perhaps you feel that something is missing in your life too.  You have tried to fix the symptoms of sadness, emptiness, anger, defeat, and hopelessness with all the world has to offer, to no avail.  The solution is not complex; there is only one true answer: Jesus. 

If you have never entered the throne room and bowed before His throne of grace, He is waiting for you.  If you have given your life to your Creator but have forgotten that His love never fails, He is waiting for you as well. 

When the going gets tough, the tough must become weak as we humbly confess our sins, cares and concerns to the Source of Life. His Spirit will breathe new life, strength and hope into our hearts. 

As we worship and delight in our Creator, broken hearts are healed, captives are set free, those who mourn are comforted and the garment of praise replaces the spirit of despair.

All the mysteries of the Kingdom of God are revealed to us as we press into Him, learning to trust Him with every breath.

Stay the Course...


Today’s Prayer: “Father, today my heart aches for those who have not yet received Your gift of salvation.  True life is found only in You.  The things of this world bring temporary fulfillment, but only You bring true joy and peace and life.  We cannot change ourselves nor fix ourselves; true change comes only when we confess you as Lord, giving You permission to flood our hearts with Your Spirit.  Father, if there is someone who has been searching for purpose and meaning who has not yet chosen to make You their Lord, please draw them to You by the power of Your Spirit.  I pray that you would open our eyes to see those whom You place in our paths, help us to be bold as we share the hope that we have in You.  Help us to place Your reputation above our own reputations; that we would be willing to risk everything for the purpose of advancing Your Kingdom.  In Jesus name, amen."

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