Saturday, January 14, 2012

He Finished Well

As I awaken to a soft snowfall, a blanket of white covering the ground, highlighting the tree limbs in my backyard, I am deep in thought.

A new year has barely greeted us, new snowfall is all around us, yet the question I find myself asking is, “What really matters?”

I’m not trying to be negative, and at this moment I don’t have a bad attitude; but there are “happenings” in each of our lives that cause us to stop in our tracks, look around, and ask ourselves, “What really matters?”

Yesterday I found out that my Uncle Jim, after a difficult battle with cancer, passed away. Upon learning that I only saw him a handful of times in my growing up years and only twice in the last 20 years, you might wonder why such news could impact a person.

I am realizing that there are people in our lives who impact us greatly, and it has nothing to do with where they live, how often we see them, or whether or not they are related to us. Instead, they are people who make a mark on the fabric of our souls, and once having been around them, we are simply changed.

Each one of us has been put together with the hands of the same Father. Although each unique and one of a kind; there are some internal wirings that match across the board—such as our desire to find a person who’s character emulates that of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We need to know that this walk of faith can weather the trials and tribulations of time. We need to believe that a person can not only start the race strong, but more importantly--that he or she can finish well.

Yesterday, I’m happy to say, I knew a man who finished well. Uncle Jim was a talented artist, a professor at a university in California, a tall man with a gentle nature and a strong heart to live for God. Uncle Jim was a loving big brother to my dad and absolutely adored his wife, Ana, a spitfire from Panama who loves the Lord as boldly as her personality.

As I have been pondering the true reason I am feeling the weight of the loss of my uncle, I believe it is because of the strength he held within; his determination to live a life of obedience to God. Although the Word of God is laced with example upon example of men and women of faith; Uncle Jim was tangible.

Perhaps you have such a person of faith in your own life; perhaps you are that person in another’s life. You may think that your life is not making an impact; let me assure you that whether or not you are aware of it, your life has far-reaching ramifications.

People are watching. People are longing for a tangible example that exudes the character of Christ.

There is no better life than one lived fully and passionately for God. When we draw our last breath, may it be said of each one of us that we finished well.

I believe this is what really matters.

Stay the Course...

Sheila Cote

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, people are always watching. A good reminder to us all. Whose life will we impact without even knowing it? Will the impact be a good one or a bad one? By God's grace I hope it is a good one.
